On Mon, 2004-12-13 at 20:52 -0800, Frank Reichert wrote: 
> Good evening everyone...
> Yes. I hope some of you might get this one right.
> The CBS Evening News tonight had a special segment on pampering
> dogs, at least in southern California.

Seen it before. Years ago the "Doggie Spa" cropped up. It's been in many
a "got nothing better to do" story given to a reporter to get them out
of their boss' hair for a while (or as some sort of punishment).

> It seems we don't have enough major issues to deal with, such as
> US aggression and occupation in a foreign land in which we have
> virtually no clue as to the desires of the individual people
> themselves.  Now, apparently some Americans are concerned that
> their dogs aren't 'human' enough to be pampered by human masters!
> Some of the dogs shown tonight seemed outright terrified in being
> subjected to such an ordeal!  Well, at least I know for a fact,
> my dog, which is a wolf, we certainly be terrified in such an
> experient to please its owner's fetish of being in control even
> over a dog's expectations.
> It appears a new business is being propegated to giving pet
> 'dogs' the same perfect care manicrure treatment that certain
> high class American housewives demand for their own attention.  I
> kidd you not!  CBS aired this segment tonight, that at least in
> this section of our country the rage is on to provide facilities
> for manicre treatment for dog's paws, as they might be for ladies
> of a high-class estate!  

So what? Are they forcing you or I to spend our money on it, or is it
their own money?

> Judging from some of the scenes, the dogs were at best
> disoriented, and certainly were in such a class that they might
> prefer to be somewhere else other than in such a facility.  Talk
> about 'animal abuse' charges! Don't you believe for a moment that
> will ever be raised as an issue, probably not in any of our
> lifetimes anyway.

I personally know dogs who relish that kind of experience. We have
recently started "kennelling" our three dogs at night. Much to our
suprise they took to it immediately. Only one of which, btw, had even
been kenneled before (indeed was raised in one as a show dog).
Previously, we were of the opinion it would be cruel.

> Face it folks. We live in a very sick and misguided society
> today. We force animalns into medicure treatments at high class
> and expensive facilities, and we also force our sons and
> daughters to perform the impossible, convincing foreign nations
> through brute force, that it's our way or the highway. 

It isn't impossible, it's been done before.

> We live in a very sick and perverted society today. I am

Why? Because some people want to spend money on their dogs?? Just
because your dog may not like it, doesn't mean others wouldn't. I don't
suppose you'd be after a law to make those illegal? I'd hope not. You
make teh same argument Republicans do regarding pornography, or drugs.

> I submit to all of you, we have not learned one damn thing. 
> We're stuck with this baggage, and for better or worse, we will
> have to live with it for a long, long time to come. My children
> are stuck with our decisions. 

Which is true regardless of your decisions, if it is true at all. The
difference is in whether or not they use it as an excuse to do nothing.

> We treat our dogs much better than this!  What kind of message is
> this? This ought to be a giant recall to get our act back
> together than as a nation.

What, doggie spas?!?!?

> I suggest that Bill Anderson sadly, isn't going to be of much
> help here either,

Well if they are spending their own money, you are right I won't be of
any help in your dream of eliminating doggie spas as immoral. If they
are using tax money for it, then you might get some assistance from me.
I do have more important issues on my agenda, such as fighting the DMCA,
CAPPS II (we beat CAPPS I), and other crap such as software patents and
ridiculous and harmful copyright and patent laws. Things I imagine you
have zero to little interest in yourself. Which is fine by me; I won't
hold it against you that your priorities on liberty are different than
mine. If you want to wage a campaign against doggie spas, go ahead I
won't hold that against you either. I will, however, hold it against you
if fault me for not putting effort into a campaign against people
spending their own money on doggie spas.

>  since he has already decided who will represent
> me, or my interests, nor will Robert Goodman, in this quest
> promoting semantics in support of his own goals and aspertations,
> and for his own undefined ends.

My goals, *aspirations*, and ends are quite well defined and stated if
you cared to use your memory, your archives, and your eyes. You simply
choose to forget and ignore them whenever convenient for you (which
happens to be most of the time). Granted, the books aren't yet out but
they are being worked on. I've got other works to finish publishing as
part of my C.V. for the books (expected to be published in 2005
woohoo!).  Not to mention the political defense of liberty on the Mars
Homestead lists.


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