Celebrate Bill of Rights Day Dec. 15, and its Cornerstone, the 2nd 

      By Alan Gottlieb

      Remarkable as it might seem, Dec. 15 frequently comes and goes 
unnoticed by most Americans, yet it is a date commemorating the document 
that has made this nation the benchmark against which all others are 

      On that day in 1791 the Bill of Rights - the first ten Amendments to 
the Constitution - was ratified. To put that in perspective, it took this 
nation several years to adopt a Constitution, and more than a decade to 
produce the Bill of Rights. Today, we should not expect emerging democracies 
to accomplish the same thing overnight.

      The Bill of Rights delineates certain individual rights guaranteed to 
all of the people. Among those rights are freedom of assembly, religion, 
speech and press; the right to legal counsel, due process, and privacy.

      Perhaps the cornerstone to all of these is the right to keep and bear 
arms. A careful reading of the Amendment and the history behind it 
establishes beyond doubt that the Second Amendment was this nation's 
original "homeland security" measure. The Amendment does not "grant" 
anything, but instead affirms the right of arms to the people, and has been 
even more specifically defined in some state constitutions as "the right of 
the individual citizen to bear arms in defense of himself and the state."

      The Second Amendment was a guarantee of self-defense on the frontier, 
and of the common defense against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. It 
is, as some historians have observed, an "insurance policy" against the 
establishment of a tyrannical government.

      As the nation expanded and matured, the Second Amendment has hardly 
become archaic. It is as fundamental today as it was two centuries ago, 
although along the way, self-appointed "progressives," social engineers, and 
even some lower courts have tried to obfuscate its meaning by inventing, 
through some tortured logic, a "collective right" theory that clearly does 
not stand up under scrutiny. "The people" referred to in the Second 
Amendment are the same individual citizens alluded to in the First, Fourth, 
Ninth and Tenth Amendments.

      Fortunately at this time of great peril, the right protected by the 
Second Amendment is gaining back "lost ground" that had been eroded by 
zealous and misguided legislation over the years. Forty-six states have laws 
that guarantee citizens the right to carry a gun for their personal safety. 
Thirty-eight of those states have "right-to-carry" laws that mandate 
concealed carry licenses will be issued to all law-abiding citizens who want 

      Several states have passed recognition statutes that honor all 
concealed carry licenses issued by other states, or have adopted 
"reciprocity" laws by which states agree to recognize licenses issued by 
cooperating states. Not perfect, of course, but a good "first step" toward 
restoration of the right of citizens to be safe not only in their own 
communities, but when they travel.

      The Missouri Supreme Court affirmed the right of the Legislature to 
pass a right-to-carry law. The Illinois Legislature overrode a governor's 
veto recently to affirm the self-defense right of a citizen in his own home, 
despite passage of local ordinances that would preclude such a right by 
prohibiting the ownership of handguns.

      The U.S. House of Representatives voted to override the Washington, 
D.C. gun ban. With the election of a more pro-gun rights Senate, that 
legislation may pass in 2005 and be signed into law.

      In September, history was made when a fundamentally flawed and 
statistically unsuccessful federal gun control law - the ban on so-called 
"assault weapons" - was allowed to expire. No law that makes it acceptable 
to ban certain firearms is good, because it sets a precedent by which, under 
the wrong circumstances and wrong leadership, it would be acceptable to ban 
other firearms.

      According to a recent Gallup survey, the public "has become more 
hesitant in recent years to say gun laws should be made more strict."

      Gun owners are a recognized voting bloc and a political force to be 
reckoned with. Not surprisingly, those devoted to gun rights support all 
civil rights. Many gun owners, and not just in the Red states, will 
celebrate Dec. 15 by purchasing a new gun. Others who can't afford a new gun 
will buy a box of ammunition to show their support.

      How will you celebrate this important anniversary?

      Alan Gottlieb is founder of the Second Amendment Foundation,, and chairman of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep 
and Bear Arms,

Jay P Hailey ~Meow!~
MSNIM - jayphailey ;
AIM -jayphailey03;
ICQ - 37959005

So-called Western Civilization, as practised in half of Europe, some of Asia 
and a few parts of North America, is better than anything else available. 
Western civilization not only provides a bit of life, a pinch of liberty and 
the occasional pursuance of happiness, it's also the only thing that's ever 
tried to. Our civilization is the first in history to show even the 
slightest concern for average, undistinguished, none-too-commendable people 
like us. - P.J.O'Rourke

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