Good evening again everyone!

Douglas Friedman was once a regular here on Liberty Northwest. 
Although he has chosen to no longer participate here, I have kept
our personal communication going for the last several years, and
at Christmas, I have a calling list of individuals who have meant
a great deal to me personally.  Doug Friedman is on that list.

A year ago, last Christmas, I called and talked to Doug for a
long while. He was suffering a tremendous war with 'Leukemia',
which was the first time I heard that he was plagued by that
serious medical condition. For what it's worth, my first wife
died from that same disease!

At that time, Doug was still actively engaged in his profession
as a professor and trying to maintain as normal of a life, as
could possibly be expected of anyone undergoing chemotherapy,
radiation treatment, and other life-saving functions to fight
this disease.

Last night I made my ritual phone call to Doug.  Doug's wife
answered the phone, and informed me that he was in New York right
now, and would return home on Wednesday.  She also informed me
that Doug is now over the chemotherapy and radiation treatment
and is now on the road to recovery! Now, isn't that really
tremendous news!

I am looking forward so very much in talking with Doug again this
Wednesday night.

This is very important. In years of corresponding with people on
the internet, particularly here on Liberty Northwest, there are
so many people I just never forget about, although you may never
have met them face-to-face, personally.  I am fortunate, very
fortunate indeed, to still be able to contact Doug and
communicate with him on the phone. Life is so short.  Doug was a
'giant of a man here' on Liberty Northwest not too long ago.

Of course there are other individuals who have been around here
long before and have vanished.  Ed Fischang comes to mind. 
Haven't heard from him in years, and have often wondered where
this 'farmer from Chelan, Washington' ever went?

As we all consider the end of this year, I hope some of us at
least might consider all of the other years we have corresponded
with each other. Some of this correspondence has been spirited,
some of it bitter, and some of it sweet.  We need to consider the
real lives of those we come into contact with around here, and
what there 'real lives' really are.

I am so glad when Doug decided to leave this forum years ago,
that I made it a point to contact him, and try as best as I can
to still be there in such times as this, and rejoice with him,
hopefully Wednesday, that hopefully this dreadful menace, may be
a thing of the past!

As I consider the end of this year, I wish you all a most happy
New Year in 2005, and hope you're still around here to spice up
this forum and make life interesting and meaningful.

Kindest regards,

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