On Tue, 2004-12-28 at 21:32 -0800, Frank Reichert wrote:
> Good evening again, Bill!
> Bill Anderson wrote in response to Ed Fischange...
> Ed Fischang wrote:
> > > Remember Rodger from the CDC in Atlanta? What a character! As was John 
> > > King.
> > > I know you miss Roger Erdman. I found it hard to converse with someone who
> > > was all emotion, no logic, but he did spice it up. Robert and Bill are 
> > > almost
> > > the opposite,
> To which, you replied:
> > Nah, I got plenty. I just save it for my wife and now three children. :D
> My reflections tonight went back quite a while... even so far
> back as the Fidonet days.  At least one marriage ago, and three
> children, also.
> Don't understand at all your reluctance to deal with real people,
> regardless of your state in matrimony, or the number of children
> involved in the historical progession of a political newsgroup.

Maybe because you are confusing dealing with "real people" with being
emotional? IMO emotion belongs where it belongs. Political decisions
based in emotion are often bad for liberty.

> Guess I have to ask.  I have had three wifes. One who died in
> 1995. One other one who divorced me.  And my present one.  I also
> have five children in all of this.  Don't know exactly how you
> wish to relate any of this to your reluctance at best, to dealing
> with all of the personalities, included Ed Fischag that still
> grace our presence today!

I don't fit your square hole, so the question is void.

I don't understand why you think your three marriages have anything to
do with mine, or my preference for reason and login in a medium that
expresses emotion poorly on a subject matter that emotion serves poorly.

> Ed wrote:
> > > (Ian and JQS would have the Technocracy provide the drinks, of course.)
> To which, you responded...
> > Bwaahahahahahhaa!
> As usual, and I expected it as such.

Why not, it was clearly a joke, didn't you get it?!?! If not, that's
sad. If so, then why are you attacking me for laughing at it.

Geez Frank. Talk about not dealing with real people. I laugh at what was
clearly a joke and you turn it into something sinister or "unreal" or
whatever mud you think you can stick to me today. But ...

I am rubber you are glue. Whatever you call me bounces of me and sticks
to you. Nyah nyah.

And in case you didn't get it, that was a joke.

That was not. ;)


Random Fortune of the moment:
        How do you insult a lawyer?
        You might as well not even try.  Consider: of all the highly
trained and educated professions, law is the only one in which the prime
lesson is that *winning* is more important than *truth*.
        Once someone has sunk to that level, what worse can you say about them?

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