Good evening Dave!

Dave Laird wrote earlier this morning to Ed Fischang...

> Say, (deftly switching to the safer topic of weather) are you ready for a
> winter snowfall? Other than being cold as hell, you'd never know it was
> winter. <grin>

According to Tom Sherry on KREM 2 tonight, we might have a
weather warning coming up shortly for tomorrow night. Appears the
high ridge of rigid pressure coming at us now from eastern Canada
might collide with very warm moist air coming from the south with
lots of moisture attached to it.  Maybe 'real winter' weather is
coming as we speak, who knows?

> Motto for the New Year: Even Libertarians have to discuss the weather once
> in awhile, don't they? 8-)

That's a sensitive topic in 'this house' to discuss right now,
since I ordered, and now have on hand, two new steel rear and
front entrance doors to the house just sitting here waiting for
installation to block cold air coming through the existing two
badly insulated exterior doors.

Problem is, the temperature has been far too cold for the last
week to 10 days to take the several hours of opening up and
removing the older doors, since the cold air rush into the house
would freeze everything in sight, including us working on the
installation, plus all of the water lines and drain lines running
throughout the house.

Now, Tom Sherry suggests we will be down to the single digit
temperature range in the next few days, the very time that these
doors would be very nice to have in blocking all of that
extremely frigid air!  I've heard of 'Catch 22's' before, but
this is a real quandary.

Kindest regards,

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