Good evening Marvin!

Marvin Gardner wrote to Frank Reichert...

> You are absolutely correct.  All I can plead is (more than) a little
> mind-weariness.

Understand.  I get 'there' more than you might even know.

> I have spent the last 10 days working long hours researching and writing up
> a paper on water rights in re: the fuss in eastern Idaho, and this morning,
> I decided to "organize" and format a whole bunch of (related) papers I have
> written a few years ago, and in the process of putting them in some sort of
> schematic order and html-ing them all, etc. I was quite mind-numb when I
> wrote that one line about Locke, Hume, and when it came to the third one, I
> knew he was French and famous but his name escaped me for a bit.
> "Descartes" popped up, so that is what I wrote rather than go look him up.
> Your e-mail brought the correct name to mind: Rousseau!

Exactly. And, I understand the difference, and there are tremendous
differences between Rosseau and Descarte... since largely Descarte
didn't exactly know how the Pandonara's Box he released would perhaps
affect the rest of civilization as he knew it at the time!

Rousseau, by the way was a socialist.  Karl Marx loved him!

So, maybe now might be a good time to revisit your original premise.

Which was?

Kindest regards,

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