This is the brave new world we're becoming. Four Egyptian-American Christians (two are children) are murdered
in their New Jersey home under circumstances that point to an Islamic revenge killing, and the media remains
silent.  If Nazis fanatics or the even the Basque Liberation Front had been suspected of the murders the media would
be on this case 24/7 for weeks if not months.  Where's the outrage and the news coverage?  Perhaps we are in a similar
situation as Germany was in 1938 when folk were upset by the increasing random murders (based on religion or
perceived ethnicity), but were too frightened to speak-up.  However. the power and influence of Islamic Jihadism, unlike Nazisism  transcends the nation-state and even a continent.  It is a world-wide happening that pales the threat that Nazism held in the 1830's and 1940's.  It is a movement whose time has come.  Comments?
Below is commentary by ex-Muslim writer Ali Sina that puts the entire horrid affair in perspective.  ~  Ben

4 Slain and the Media is Silent  

 By  Ali Sina  

Last year a big part of the news in America was about a basketball player and his escapade with a woman who first solicited to have sex with him and then accused him of rape. The news was all over the media.  Why such silly incident should be newsworthy is not clear. But the whole accusation and trial was televised and broadcasted by every single media outlet in America ad nauseam. The same circus was played in the case of the pop singer Michael Jackson and his child molestation charges. His trial received as much coverage as the presidential election. 
But last Friday a whole family of four was slain in their own home. Their throats were slit. They were stabbed and brutally murdered. Yet no one said a word. An Egyptian American man 47, his wife 37 and his two daughters 16 and 8 were all found dead, soaked in their own blood at their New Jersey home today. The jewelry was not missing. Burglary has been ruled out.  The police suspect only one motive: “religious hate”. 
The Father, Hossam Armanious, spent some of his spare time in Internet chat rooms debating about religion and speaking out against the Islamic persecution of the Coptic Christians in his native country Egypt .  

About two months ago, when he made a comment in a Paltalk chat room, he was threatened.    

"Some Muslim guys said if you don't stop this, we're going to come out and kill you," said a family friend. To which he responded: “Here is America , I am free to say whatever I want”.  

Armanious could not be more wrong. When he found out that even in America he was not free to speak his mind, it was already too late. He was stabbed to death, his throat was slashed and his entire family was butchered.  

But amazingly, the media did not find this horrendous crime newsworthy. Except a few, none of them had any word about it. Not a squeak was heard from CNN; no mention of this on ABC, CBS or any other big media outlet!

Is it that the big American media already know what Armanious did not know? Are they afraid to report this carnage? Have they already convinced themselves that even in America you are not free to speak your mind and the first amendment is baloney?  Or perhaps they have sold their soul to the devil of political correctness?

The NBC news reported “authorities were investigating whether a former tenant, who had had a dispute with the family, was involved.” There is no mention of the death threat in their report.  

A dispute with a former tenant!? Do people kill an entire family over a past tenancy dispute? What kind of person can slash the throat of an eight year old child for a dispute over a few hundred dollars? Are the reporters in NBC stupid or do they think their viewers are stupid?

The reported: “With no signs of forced entry or robbery, detectives suspect the victims may have known their killer. But at this moment, still no motive or suspect in this heartbreaking case.”

But this is a lie. The authorities HAVE some clue about the motives.

The reported the full story: “An uncle of Armanious' wife, Amal Garas, said yesterday that detectives told him they were pursuing the chat room argument as a possible motive for the slayings. The uncle, Milad Garas, was one of many family members interviewed by police Friday.  "One detective said this was his theory," the uncle said.

The local  reported “Islamic extremists may have murdered four members of a Coptic Orthodox family”
And the titled its article “Islamic Hate Eyed in Slays”  

The rest of the media did not even report the carnage. These media moguls who kill to report about the sex scandals of celebrities were shamefully silent over this horrendous crime. Those few who reported it did not dare to say a word about the possible suspects.

Has America already become a dhimmi nation? Are the big American media afraid of the Islamists? Do the reporters fear for their own lives? What is the explanation of this silence? How many more death you need before you wake up and realize our freedom in America is hijacked? How many more innocent people should bathe in their own blood before you realize we are no more free in our own homes and the first amendment does not exist anymore? If today, Muslims with less than 2% of the population, can intimidate you to the extent that you are afraid to report their crimes, what will befall on you (and us) if their number is allowed to grow to 10%

What happened to American justice? What about the slogan "Don't tread on me"? Well America, you have been treaded on big time. What are you going to do about it?  When are you going to stand up and say enough is enough?
Please write to the media, call them on the phone and demand them to cover this story truthfully. We do not want them to judge and condemn the Muslims for this crime. But Muslims are the only suspects. Why not report this? If they can report about a dispute with an ex tenant, which is ludicrous, why can't they report the death threat? What is the significance of this cowardly silence?  



Thank you for being one of the few voices publicly telling the truth about this massacre and atrocity.
As usual, the media should be ashamed of itself.  To call them dhimmi is almost too kind.

I think they are obsequious, subservient lackeys who are cowed by political correctness and moral equivalence.
This is the disease of our times and will ultimately lead to our demise as a free nation.

The fact that this massacre occurred near the "belly of the beast" - the N.Y.C. Media Machine - makes it all the more appalling that this story has not made national headlines.

Since hearing about this tragedy - which is sanctioned by Islamic scripture - I have been saddened and outraged. This morning, while driving to work, all I heard on 'conservative' talk radio was nonsense about the inauguration. And yes, details about the idiocy known as the Golden Globe awards. Yesterday and this a.m., I didn't hear a peep about this story on FOX, etc. 

Our nation is dumb and blind and wishes to remain dumb and blind. Political correctness has run amok. As a result of PC, our existence is and will be challenged and threatened.

Ignorance - of Islamic scripture and Muhammad - is not bliss. 

I don't mean to vent, however the silence is so deafening I want to scream! 

Thank you Ali for all that you have done, continue to do and will do to expose the truth about Islam and Muhammad.

Thank you Jeff  
I hope people look at the beautiful faces of those girls and are moved to action. I am  moved to tears.

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