Good morning Jay,

On Tue, 15 Feb 2005 06:35:56 -0800, "Jay P Hailey"

>> Not that it's a
>> bad thing, just that I disagree almost to
>> the extreme.
>Of course you do, Connie.  You are not a Libertarian.  You're a Pop 

I never said I was a Libertarian. I'm not sure what a Pop Conservative
is, but it has to be one step better than the 'Neo-Con' I was accused
of being in the past. 

Actually, I'm looking, searching for something that feels good and
'smells right'. As with religion, I find that I pull the good from all
which in fact makes me an Independent. Granted, currently I lean to
the right, as I hate that I have to register my guns so the government
can come and get them if they so desire without my consent. I have a
lot of problems with the status of our government in general. If you
think about the term.. 'govern'ment. The whole term means those who
govern our lives, control us and supposedly through the popular vote
of ALL people decide what WE want which is not what it's about
anymore. The people haven't got a say in anything. 

Much like the war in Iraq. You know where I stand there, so I won't
even go there. But the point being and one that I appreciate, where
did anyone ask us, but in the constitution or somewhere we the people
decided to give the Pres. the power to make decisions like that. As
far as the soldiers, they have rights, they joined of their own free
will and if they thought they were free and clear like many who served
terms in the service, they know and are trained for the possibility of
going to some God forbidden piece of dirt in the middle of nowhere and
in this case there may have been a lot of reasons bantered about
WMD... Bottom line.. We got Saddam.. I don't care what the reason was,
maybe they lied to us.. I don't care. We got Saddam. I haven't figured
out whose rights were offended by sending soldiers to war to possibly
die when they all joined and weren't drafted. 

I DO NOT agree with the draft. I was old enough to remember and even
better, I used to think about the fact that if I had been a male I
could very easily have been drafted. And if they insist on reinstating
the draft, which I have never really heard from the powers that be,
will be sexually non-discriminating?? 

A lot of scary thoughts out there.  Personally, I think women
shouldn't be on the front lines or in the middle of combat trying to
play G.I. Jane, because like it or not, men have more muscle by
nature, men are more logically driven as a rule.. It's call estrogen
and women can't deny that we are different. Granted, I suppose if
women want to fly fighter jets and such that's great. What if they are
having their period. Seriously.. this is an issue in every woman's
life. Maybe they take shots to stop their cycle as I know they are

Wow.. Said a whole lot for such a little post from you Jay.. :-) See
what happens when you get me going first thing in the morning before
my daily anti-depressant has kicked in ..
>You're a nice one though.  :) :) :)

Thank you kind young sir.... We Will have to do coffee again.. I'm the
midst of appealing a suspension because I had to quit school because I
couldn't sit still due to the pain in my lower back, which is now
diagnosed.. I'm supposed to go and pick up a walker and a donut to
sick my big ass on. I haven't done either to date. I know I wouldn't
carry a damn donut to school.. and I don't know that I would use the
walker until I fell enough times to cause myself a decent injury.

I can get my Transfer Associates really easily I found out. I didn't
know how close I was. I can pull it off without doing Spring Quarter
and hopefully get to see a Neurosurgeon and Neurologist before I make
the commitment to finish another year of college and finally get that
degree that has been such a bitch to acquire.. I've had just a few
more obstacles than age, that's for sure .

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