Good evening again, everyone!

My Saturday today started off with a bang and ended in a whimper,
or sorts anyway.

As some of you may remember, a few days ago I reported that the
Idaho House passed approved a new Bill and shipped it off to the
Idaho Senate for further action.  Well, the Idaho Senate also
signed off and passed the Bill, and then dutifully shipped it off
to Governor Kempthorne's office for signature.

What I am talking about of course is the new Law in Idaho that
will require Licensing of Contractors, large and small, including
homeowners who perform construction tasks on their own homes and
private property.

At noon today, this Districts three Representatives in the Idaho
Legislature appeared in Bonners Ferry for a GOP Lincoln Day

Since I wrote a Guest Opinion for three District newspapers that
was published Wednesday and Thursday blasting our Representatives
for selling out small local Contractors in their own District, I
met head to head with this District's Senior Representative,
George Eskridge.

As I approached the desk, paid my $20.00 to the local GOP for the
luncheon, George was standing there behind the lady taking my
name, address, telephone number, and email address, glaring at
me.  "Frank, I don't suppose you brought a noose with you did

"Not exactly George.  I am not here today to dredge up poor
Legislation passed at the expense of local small Contractors
working very hard to put food on the table for their families."

A lot more happened shortly later on, after I had signed in and
was bantering around with the various GOP politicians serving in
various local and regional offices.  George finally got me into a
corner of the room and suggested that he wanted to, as he put it,
talk to me later privately and tell me like it really was. 
Rather bluntly in fact, George informed me that during my 2004
Campaign he had a great deal of respect for me, but this time I
had gone too far in in writing in the local media that
Representatives selling out their constituents should be replaced
immediately, either by recall, or in the 2006 election in the
voting booth.

Well, as I mentioned, that was just the beginning of my day
today.  I had to bolt the GOP meeting early to head for Spokane
to attend the Peace Vigil presumably scheduled for 6 p.m. at
River Front Park.  I was expecting to see Jay Hailey at the Park,
and a lot of others.  I arrived early as announced, around 5:30
p.m.  It was raining, and cold.  I left the car and paced around
the park looking for Peace advocates.  I finally found 4
individuals carrying candles, so I assumed that they had arrived
there for the purpose of the vigil.

I was right.  But they were terribly confused about where in the
Park the vigil was to take place.  I was too.  

So, for that moment at least, I assumed the best, that these guys
were probably the only remnants of those willing to brave the
elements and perhaps show up.  6 p.m. had come, and no one else
appeared to be around looking for anyone pertaining to the
announced Peace Vigil.

Low and behold a large group approached, not really THAT large of
course. It was none other than Bill Smyth and his wonderful
children approaching us.  He too was confused about the exact
place in the Park where we were suppose to gather.  Bill and I
eventually left and scouted around the Park for anyone else who
might be looking for the Peace Vigil location. We happened upon
another individual, equally confused as to where this announced
function was to take place.  We also discovered that the time
might have been wrong.  The information Bill and I had, and
others as well, that this event was to take place at 6 p.m.  A
couple of other folks, again with no clear definition as to the
exact place in River Front Park where this function was to take
shape, were told it would happen at 7 p.m.

As this group started to galvanize together in some fashion, it
indeed appeared that the local media had been informed that the
time indeed was 7 p.m., not 6 p.m.  The exact location in the
Park where this event was supposed to take shape was still up for

However, as all of you probably know, my wife was scheduled to
arrive on flight Alaska Airlines 727 at 7 p.m.  I told Bill Smyth
that I really had to go, and my wife who had departed from the
Philippines in Manila probably wasn't dressed for sub-freezing
temperature, and I would have to pick her up on time when she

I went back and informed the others that I would have to defer my
attendance due to the above circumstance, and I wished them all
well.  I hope the news media did pick up on this event, and I
hope the event went well in spite of the piss poor information
and planning that apparently went into putting it together.

After I left the Park I have no idea how many others might have
showed up.  I wish that I could have spent an extra hour or two
and met a lot of these folks.  You really do meet some wonderful
people in events such as this one.

We've got some Iraq-related peace activism activities taking
place in Sandpoint, Idaho tomorrow, and I'm trying to find out
exact times and locations as we speak right now.

And, for those of you who might be wondering, yes my wife showed
up at the Spokane airport almost on time. The flight was delayed
a while from Seattle, but we are home now.  And yes, coming from
Manila, she was dressed in an attire entirely unsuitable for an 8
p.m. appearance at River Front Park in freezing rain.

Doesn't mean, of course, we won't be there next time!

I'd like to hear from you Jay, if you showed up.  We've got to
find a way to meet each other face to face in some of this
insanity that makes up our world today!

Kindest regards everyone,

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