Good afternoon, Jay...

Jay P Hailey wrote:

> I did not show at the protest, instead staying inside the warm and dry and
> talking to my wife for a bit.
> I agree, it would be nice to meet.
> Maybe we could stage a Liberty NW gathering of some kind?

I, too, was forced to remain inside out of health concerns, once I saw it
turning cold and beginning to rain and snow. It hasn't been that long
since I recovered from pneumonia, and although I have returned back to
work, I am being (for me) reasonably prudent about when and how I dash
about outside. Standing around in the cold and rain probably is not, for
the foreseeable future, in my best self-interests. 

As for the Peace Vigil itself, place the blame on the Peace Justice and
Action League of Spokane. As of late, their public events seem disjointed
and in general, poorly-planned. 

I would definitely try to attend a meeting involving you and Frank, when
or if it is scheduled, providing that my hectic schedule allows it, as we
lean toward spring time, typically one of my busiest times of the year,
followed only by summer. All I can say is plan well in advance, and
preferably before full-blown summer gets here.

Hopefully, I will see you there!

The Used Kharma Lot
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        [So passes away the glory of this world.]
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