Good morning, everyone...

Here's a tasty tidbit to put the Libertarian faction on notice:

Stolen without mercy from Educause, which appears frequently in


   Officials at the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) have proposed the
   creation of a database containing information on virtually every
   college student in the country, as well as many high school students.
   Intended as a tool to aid recruitment efforts, the database would
   include names, phone numbers, Social Security numbers, addresses, birth
   dates, ethnicities, grade point averages, and other data. The DoD's
   database bears similarities to another database proposed by the
   Department of Education. That database would track individual students
   through their college careers, providing a clearer picture of
   graduation rates than current records, which track only aggregate rates
   from institutions. The Education Department's proposed database has
   drawn criticism from privacy advocates, who see it as a potential risk
   to privacy. The DoD proposal has similarly elicited complaints from
   groups such as the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC).
   According to EPIC, the database would be a "bad idea," putting tools of
   direct marketers in the hands of government officials but without
   affording consumers the same protections from government that they
   enjoy from marketers. Inside Higher Ed, 23 June 2005
...a potential risk to privacy? How about a glaring violation of anyone's
right to privacy? Given the number of repeated instances where government
databases and the information contained therein have been compromised,
bootlegged or simply stolen, the day might be coming sooner than people
realize when students will gleefully hire a hacker with impeccable
credentials to see what the government databases say about them.
This is a bullshit idea! However, in an era when personal privacy and
genuine concerns for our constitutionally-guaranteed rights are falling by
the wayside almost on a daily basis, hardly anyone anymore seems to be
bothered. Of course, if you ask a typical high school student these days
about the principles of freedom as set forth in the Constitution, few of
them can remember the majority of the principles involved.

Thank gawd my kids are grown and gone. Otherwise the government would have
one hell of a fight on its hand...ULP... and I would be home schooling my
kids, the very thing the government fears the most about educational

Wake up Libertarians! The bastards are at the door!

The Used Kharma Lot / The Phoenix Project 
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An automatic & random thought For the Minute:    
God created woman.  And boredom did indeed cease from that moment --
but many other things ceased as well.  Woman was God's second mistake.
                -- Nietzsche
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