On Sun, 2005-08-07 at 17:47 -0700, Dave Laird wrote:
> Evening, Bill...
> Bill Anderson wrote:
> >>The LNC voted 10-5 to eliminate UMP.
> >>
> >>The LNC then voted 8-7 to eliminate [ National LP] dues
> >>
> >>M Carling
> >>LNC Rep, Region 2
> > 
> > 
> > WOOHOO!! This calls for a celebration!
> > 
> > /me does a little jig
> Dues I understand, but if you'll pardon me what is UMP? The first and only
> time I eliminated an ump I got thrown out of the baseball game. 

Unified Membership Plan

Basically, the LP's version of income taxes. All membership money was
sent to National and then a portion was doled back out to the state


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