A few months ago,


the UK government pushed through plans for control orders,
despite a rebellion in the Lords.

Under these control orders, suspects can be placed under
house arrest without having seen the evidence against them.

UK Groups such as Liberty and Justice are against them but
some of their arguments are on principle.

Bearing in mind the quote

 Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom:
 it is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.

is it possible to argue from practicality?

Can one say that it is possible to combat modern extremist
terrorism without compromising on tradition rights?

Can anyone suggest any web pages with arguments about

Showing that restrictions are unnecessary would seem to me
quite a strong rebuttal to a government which argues that
they are.


Babylon 5 - Intersections in Real Time
William: If you eat a little poison every day, you
  get used to it. It desensitizes you.

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