Good afternoon, Netizens...

This is not America. This is some other-worldly country, that George W.
Bush, Jr. fantasized along with his ascension to power; this is a pit of
iniquity where his imminence could not be bothered to leave his vacation
to attend to the funeral of thousands of innocent people in the Deep
South. This is a den of vipers where he sits idly by watching his
butt-buddy bureaucrats intone pious-sounding phrases, moving their lips
but not their hearts. 

People had foretold what has happened in New Orleans years and years ago,
and despite all the high-technology and verbiage from Homeland Security's
Alan Chertok, no one bothered to ever take those warnings seriously. No
one bothered to even examine the prodigious number of learned studies that
indicated what would happen if a Category 5 hurricane hit New Orleans,
even a glancing blow. No one in government even bothered to examine the
predictions about Biloxi, many of which were mentioned here, in this
humble place, as recently as three years ago. Too little, too late. 

I have to wonder if Becky Kivac is even alive. She was not in good health
at the time the hurricane took aim at Biloxi; God knows if she survived,
or if she survived, which shelter she is eking out a hellish existence

Despite my years of being somewhat jaundiced about government in general,
I will never look at the federal government in quite the same way again.
They are hideously-inadequate at the job of protection, and even worse at
responding like decent human beings in the face of an unprecedented

Now, let's see how many of the countries where U.S. forces have responded
to help others in need in the past will send help. Let's just wait and see. 

Most of the so-called evacuees were good tax-paying God-fearing citizens
who went to work each day, paid their bills and tried to live good lives.
No one, not even scurrilous the crumb-snatchers of society, deserve to be
treated as poorly as our government are treating people in New Orleans,
Biloxi and Gulfport. And it's being done in MY name, YOUR name, and in the
name of good government. 

The only bright side of this all is that we sent Jesse Jackson to
Mississippi. Perhaps he will finally do the right thing and try to provide
decent housing, drinking water and food for 250,000 plus homeless in the
Deep South. 

Of course, your thoughts may differ. 

The Used Kharma Lot / The Phoenix Project 
An automatic & random thought For the Minute:    
Patch griefs with proverbs.
                -- William Shakespeare, "Much Ado About Nothing"
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