On Tue, 2005-09-13 at 04:01 -0700, Dave Laird wrote:

> Ya, I've been plonked before; I've even been plonked by better (and in
> some cases, more irate) people. While that is deplorable sentence design,
> it's true.


> > Absolutely honored!  But don't forget Robert!  Or "shadow".  Heck even
> > Frank.  Robert hasn't posted much on this topic lately and "shadow"
> > usually doesn't post much (but what little he posts--wow, straight to the
> > point) but we wouldn't want them to think we're not honored by their
> > company--even when we happen to disagree.
> Disagree? [GASP!] You mean folks disagree around these parts? 

Nope. Whoever wrote that was clearly wrong. I'll have to disagree with
that person, whomever he may be.


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