G'morning, Lowell...

Lowell C. Savage wrote:

> Bill Anderson wrote, in part:
>> Betcha we ain't really in a killfile. Betcha he's just reading, getting
>> pissed, and moving along. This will just be his excuse to reply to only
>> the things he can't stand to let go by and not back up his assertions.
>> After all, he puts the useless NOSPAM text in his email address thinking
>> it will save him from getting spam. ;) As if spammer bots don't
>> automatically strip that sequence of letters from email addresses.
> Heh.
>> > > In the meantime,
>> > >
>> > > =<plonk>=

Ya, I've been plonked before; I've even been plonked by better (and in
some cases, more irate) people. While that is deplorable sentence design,
it's true.

>> >
>> > Whatever.
>> Heh, now all he needs to do is plonk Dave and he's ignoring about 90% of
>> the posts on this feed. Kinda eliminates any useful reason to be here.
>> Unless of course he only signed up because he thought he could blindly
>> attack people and feel welcome.
>> So Dave, how long before he plonks you? ;) We'll be honored when you
>> join us. :D

I'm here. It's 3:43, almost time to kick the little ground squirrels that
rotate the news log files and resets the news pointers for yet another
day. BTW, who is it that is plonking me? If I'm going to get plonked this
early in the morning, the very least they could do is leave me a business

> Absolutely honored!  But don't forget Robert!  Or "shadow".  Heck even
> Frank.  Robert hasn't posted much on this topic lately and "shadow"
> usually doesn't post much (but what little he posts--wow, straight to the
> point) but we wouldn't want them to think we're not honored by their
> company--even when we happen to disagree.

Disagree? [GASP!] You mean folks disagree around these parts? 

The Used Kharma Lot / The Phoenix Project 
An automatic & random thought For the Minute:    
  Hegel was right when he said that we learn from history that man
  can never learn anything from history. -George Bernard Shaw
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