Good afternoon, everyone...

The miracle of modern technology is always unspoken, but when Mother
Nature leans forward, and exerts the tremendous forces of which she is
capable, all hell can break loose, and there is nothing any of us can do
about it. 

I am still sitting, safe and secure in my rumpled bathrobe before a
computer, here in Spokane, yet I can sense the presence of Hurricane Rita
moving through the Gulf of Mexico in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.
One of my jobs in Biloxi was to install a crap-box computer for network
services, while the guys in the next room replaced an entire bank of
routers which were part of the network. 

As of just a few minutes ago, I lost contact with that computer and the
routers in the next room AGAIN. 

According to one of the people in Biloxi, the plan was that the
technicians from the power company were to install a backup generator on
the rooftop after I returned home, along with a 1500 gallon bladder of
diesel fuel. I understand there were problems with procurement, and then
more problems with the necessary permits, hence it appears the diesel
generator project never actually was brought to fruition. For some unknown
reason, at approximately 1:02 PM our time, the power at the facility
failed, shutting down everything in the building. 

The ripple effect reached even more into Spokane, as one of my clients, a
credit company based in Houston, with offices on North Division and
Greenacres, has reported to a friend of mine that they cannot process any
credit applications until after Hurricane Rita passes by Houston. It is
nothing so severe as the loss of power. All the company employees in
Houston were advised day before yesterday, to evacuate the region,
shutting down their offices, in the process, until next Monday or Tuesday. 

After a rather severe bout with a denial of service attack on the bank of
Windows 2300 Professional Servers at their main offices, which took place
this summer, they shut down their server farm shortly before leaving the
building, thus rendering the company entirely without data resource
capability, both locally and nationally. 

So, if you think a Gulf-based hurricane doesn't affect us here in Spokane,
guess again. In the coming days, the true nature of the costs of both
Hurricane Katrina and now Hurricane Rita will become pretty apparent.
Based upon some preliminary comments from clients who have (or had)
offices in the impact zones along the Gulf Coast, we may have one of the
roughest rides of our lives in the coming days, weeks and months. 

The Used Kharma Lot / The Phoenix Project 
An automatic & random fortune for the Minute:    
Mistrust first impulses; they are always right.
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