Good evening everyone!

Dave Laird wrote to everyone...

Effective tomorrow night at midnight, the following newsgroups will be
removed from


Wonder why spk.phoenix didn't make the cut also? As well as, etc.

Although these newsgroups exist on some world news servers, they will no
longer reside on the news server because they either no
longer have a valid route to the world news servers or they have other

I can imagine perhaps some of those issues, although they are personal in nature, and really so!

I fear that Dave has finally nailing down the last studs of his own coffin, so to speak, in that he has finally distanced himself even from some of his closest friends and those who cared about him the most. This is sad. But expected, nevertheless entirely.

I suspect the late Roger Erdman was finally right after all in at least one assessment of Dave Laird: "He is indeed a 'legend in his own mind...' UNQUOTE.

And, in that I leave with just this. I wonder who else in this world knows, or realizes, that is a world-class news server, or class act? Truth is: absolutely no one!

This is a sad commentary for a man who could have been a world class writer and journalist in his own right, but surrendered it all to a in a closed world of self-grandisement and control over others. He has, as late, managed to control absolutely nothing, including the last reservoirs of his limited control over people who really did once care about him as a real person.

This is indeed a pitiful demise of a man who could have found a way to do much greater when dealing with individuals on an equal and concomitant bases rather than attempting to achieve valour at the tremendous expense and waste, of what he tried to accomplishment at the detriment of all who he ever knew disposed of when he found out he could no longer control them.

I could mention countless names here who might agree with me, including those who may now be deceased.

Suffice it to say, I am sorry, very sorry indeed that it has come to this. Again, quoting the late Roger Erdman, Dave Laird is a prisoner of a fantasy that he has become a 'Legion of his own mind'.

I suggest this latest charade, although certainly some may have profound afterthoughts, will become the final chronicle of a man who could have done a lot better in life, and perhaps even, risen in stature as a true journalist. Or, perhaps have simply been honest with his 'friends' who once trusted him.

The end of this epitaph of Mr. Laird's self-grandisement of himself is simply that he thought of himself first, and foremost above everyone else, that he ever knew, was his final downfall. Mr. Laird lived under a strange delusion, and a figment of his own imagination, that he was somehow incapable of becoming fa liable. A simple man, making mistakes. Sometimes, huge mistakes that could never be admitted at any cost, or anyone.

The so-called Newsgroup changes on his own parochial news server that almost no one on this planet has ever heard of before, attests to that most certainly.

Certainly, most reasoned minds might rightly suggest that none of this should have ever happened at all. I agree. It shouldn't have, but it has. And, life, beyond Dave Laird goes on everyday, everywhere, and in all places and at all times.

At some point, Dave Laird, along with a News Server that almost no one on this plant even knows or cares about, will wither away into oblivion, and no one will give a second glance to 'what could have been, if?"'

Maybe, such things can be and will be, said, of me as well.

I hope the later is certainly not the case. If it is, then at least allow me to suggest that was never my intent. I usually find a way to trust people who care about me, and I wish most individuals who have known me well and good. I have tonight attempted feabilly, but honestly parted ways with Mr. Laird as well, although with certain reservations which I have just explained in rather stark detail above.

Such things ought not to happen. Sometimes, they do. And, at least for myself, it is always with an open sadness that things have to be this way.

Kindest regards,

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