Greetings Doug!
> Is LPNY insane? I read the following on (a liberal blog
> the owner supports Sen. Russ Feingold for president in 2008):


> >NEW YORK - Prominent anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan said last week she
> >could not bring herself to vote for the re-election next year of US
> Senator
> >Hillary Clinton (D-NY) unless HRC first publicly admits her vote for the
> >Iraq war was a mistake. That subsequently prompted NY Libertarian Party
> >State Chair John Clifton to issue a statement inviting Sheehan to seek
> the
> >party's US Senate nomination next year as a peace candidate. The
> >Libertarian Party has already called for the withdrawal of US forces from
> >Iraq. Clifton was the LP's US Senate nominee against Clinton in 2000.

Right.  The national LP went off the cliff some time ago.

> Cindy Sheehan sounded like a whacked out leftist when she was interviewed
> on TV.

Which means that you probably didn't even hear the half of it.

> I realize many in the LP leadership are anti-war, but actions such as
> this are certain to drive away the "right" libertarians in preference for
> the "left" libertarians. Comments like this make me realize that the
> further
> I stay away from the LP the better and also make me reluctant even to vote
> for Libertarians for national office, even though I still consider myself
> a
> libertarian (small l).

Welcome to the club.

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