Good evening again, folks!

I wasn't originally a huge fan of Harriet Miers. Maybe, I'm finally becoming one right now just based upon the horrendous corruption and ineptitude of American politics! Honestly!

I can't believe that the normal 'Joe Six-Pack' American doesn't find some problem in the way all of this was handled. Perhaps she was more honest, and even qualified, to serve on the bench, than all of the left and right winged politicians, special interest groups, and self-serving bureaucratic sleaze bags that control such major events in our own time.

This is a sorry, sorry time in our own history folks. How could such things come to this?

I have to conclude that we actually live in a society that stands for nothing other than our own parochial ideals anymore. We don't believe in words, or that words have any meaning. We have no standards to judge anything other than obtuse soundbites.

This is indeed sad.

Kindest regards,

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