Frank Reichert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in part:

>We are, as a society anyway, bei>ng
>indoctrinated into accepting a police-state mentality in America today
>somehow has all of the pre-disposed answers to all of our society's. 
>doesn't differ very much honestly, with fascist mind control over a

True.  However, at the same time, we are getting what I think to be an at
least equal amount of propaganda extolling the value of freedom.  For
example, these days perhaps more than usual, TV advertisers have been
making freedom of choice a major theme.  Even the Media Partnership for a
Drug-Free America has a new campaign emphasizing freedom of

Of course, the idea of freedom conveyed by much of this material is not the
same as our idea; in some cases it is peripheral or tangential.  However,
there is also considerable message-making which is exactly, or nearly
exactly what we have in mind, and some of it is the same sort of criticism
Frank gives above.

I don't know what the net result is.

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