Frank Reichert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> Any thoughts on strategies to pursue from here?

>I don't know what others on this list might honestly prefer.
>That is, you just gave me at least three clicks to understand the
>context of something you asked me, and everyone else, to comment on.

>I'm just thinking, it might be better time served, if you take a
>moment and write it up in short context, in your own words, and
>then give the sites as references to your position.

I don't HAVE a position!  That's why I was soliciting reactions.

>Liberty Northwest has always been a dialogue channel.  It's
>difficult, as I see it anyway, when web sites show up without any
>real introduction, or context, and then ask for followup
>commentary.  I really don't have any interest in clicking on any
>of them unless you first tell me why this is important in the
>context of discussing Liberty in terms of Education. I've, for
>one, chosen not to follow this any further since it is 12:17 p.m.

We have so little traffic, I thought some readers might take the time.

>Again, I might be wrong, and others here might disagree with me,
>but I have this strong aversion to clicking on things without
>knowing first why at least a preliminary informatory explation
>might be in order first as to why this might be important to follow.

>Help me out here Robert.

OK.  The top ct. of Fla. struck down one of the state's school voucher
programs on the basis of Fla's constitution's providing for a "uniform"
system of schools.  I selected 3 articles on the subject for their
complementarity of background info, including others' reactions.  I hear
there are some other states that have the uniformity requirement in their

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