Good evening again, Bill!

The post you just forwarded by Alan Stang rang several doorbells for me.  I
did click and recheck his web site after a long, long time.  He is still,
dispite his age, a giant of a patriot.  He spent several years in federal
prison for trying to expose the IRS.  He went into exile in the Dominican
Republic after his release, although the IRS was busy siezing his remaining
assets in the US. 

I encourage you to pass this website on.  IT is:

As I wrote, I did revisit his website just tonight after reading your post. 
Here's a direct biographical report on Alan Stang...

"Alan Stang, the American media’s William Wallace, has for fifty years 
been the author of some fifteen books and hundreds of magazine articles. 
He was one of Mike Wallace’s original writers; Mike’s picture festoons 
the cover of one of his books, Scumbags I Have Known. He is a radio talk 
show host who had almost twice as many listeners as Larry King in Los 

This doesn't of course tell his complete history... but it does say a lot.  It
certainly suggests that just maybe, this is someone we need to listen to once
in a while.

I crossposted this message to Liberty Northwest.  Hope it might resonate with
a lot of people tonight.

What Alan didn't mention, and this surprised me a great deal, is the current
demise in the US economy, stock markets and deterioration of the US dollar. 
There is now currently a 150 billion dollar rescue package in the works just
to save this floundering paper economy which is finally going down the shitter
as we speak.

Where is the US government going to come up with the money to fund this $150
billion dollar rescue package fiasco?  From taxpayers, or through foreign bond
markets buying up the increasing debt!!!

Either way, we lose.  Foreigners buy up our few remaining assets, or we lose
anyway since we will have to pick up the tab.  In both cases, we pick up the

The Ron Paul "revolution" is really a hard trip... the alternative here
unfornately is a hell of a lot worse. There is no easy way out of this.  We
are coming upon very hard times.  This is NOT going to be an easy time to go
through, and I hope we find a way to make it through these hard times.  I
won't mention any names here, but your friend and mine, just spoke about all
of this in one of his lectures in Sandpoint, Idaho about a year ago.  He
suggested we have a choice now between soup kitchens and tribal warfare
erupting simultaneously everyone for survival!

I agree, that's probably where we are headed, best seasoned so-called
economist notwithstanding. And, I suggest we are entering a time when such
seasoned heads will be considered irrelevant to those of us who have been
preaching this message to the choir for a very long time, and with very few
taking the time to listen to our warnings.

Warmest regards,

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