--- Comment #41 from Alex <> ---
Alex:  Comments on Michael's Comment 39
> either you dive in the code and propose a fix or you can pay/ask politely
> someone to do it.

Hi Michael,

Hope the "you" above is the generic one (i.e., = "one") and not me (Alex)
I did say (pretty politely:)
"PLEASE assign a professional ..." :)

That little detail out of the way,

> Did you give a try to a Live Ubuntu 32 to be sure it's a 32/64 bits problem?
> Because to summarize, we could say too it works on Ubuntu and not on BLFS.

No.  My Ubuntu is 64.  But

> To be more specific, I consider .deb and .rpm available
> on official website for distrib packagers not for a casual user.

These are just asides:  I think a "casual" person who set up a complete system
by analyzing, compiling from sources, ETC. can at times impersonate a
Anyway, as I said, I also tested (successfully) compiled sources (with
practically same 'autogen.input') on either system.
AAMOF, I ended up with an Ubuntu (14.04) 64 bits after the urgings from a
Google developer kinda warning me that if I stayed too much longer on 32, I
may run (with Chromium compile/_link_) into some life-threatening limitation
on the 4G "wall" (my hardware having been blessed with 16G physical all
So like any _casual_ user (any butcher's, baker's and/or candlestick maker's
son, to put it more explicitly) after an hour or so, I could safely yell,
"look world, no 32 bits!" :-).
More seriously, I can now compare compiling Chromium on a 32 with on a 64 (not
such a dramatic difference - 60 min. vs 47 min., on my relatively fast
While we're here, we can now (finally:) get into

> any hint which could help here?

our LO subject bug:  with all the trimmings, the source 'make build' takes
95 min. on 32 (BLFS) and 65 min. on 64 (Ubuntu).  So there.

Hint #1 (other than the stuff supplied long ago, as Comment #37)
Please (politely:) revisit Bug 725417

Hint #2
Please go over Bug 84154

Hint #3  Reminder, all my latest tests (summarized in my previous comment)
strictly compare watermelons to watermelons:

- Binary (.deb) same-version LO binaries.
- Compiled sources of same version LO (latest git as of Oct. 7 - can be any
  "official" source version release for that matter, if need arises)

Hint #4
Nobody from LO has ever stated their "position" publicly as to how LO handles
sound (Gstreamer, which versions, which plug-ins, or maybe, something entirely
That "disclosure" might help a non-casual user in figuring out how the problem
is created/occurs and maybe, who knows, avoid all these headaches for all

Thank you for your interest,
-- Alex

PS I was adding this comment while you were adding yours.  Hope is still makes
the same sense.

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