--- Comment #11 from grofaty <> ---
I tried your solution and it is working. You also made two little mistakes:
a) You ended the string with / which is a deprecated xhtml syntax. Removing
last / character (and space before it).
b) You put meta tag at the top of document, but it should be inside the "head"
Despite above two little mistakes your file is working fine and I above fixed
mistakes and new file also works fine.

I would probably never guess this HTML 5.0 vs. HTML 4.x problem, because in
browser you can have any of this two settings and also OLD browsers are
accepting both solutions! I tested both files in ancient Internet Explorer 6 on
Windows 2003 and it accepts HTML 5 syntax without a problem.

In browser world this HTML 5 change was designed to be backward compatible, but
it looks like in LibreOffice it was not designed to have this change. Now it is
a matter of perspective is it a bug or enhancement. My humble opinion is it is
a bug.

It is probably easy to fix... Code for HTML 4.0 is working fine, just add
additional few code lines to have HTML 5.0 support.

Just a note: I have no influence how web pages are designed (with old or new
syntax) and I can't inform web server administrator to change this setting back
to HTML 4.x, because it is not a bug in browsers, but instead in LibreOffice.

Thanks for testing this problem.

P.S. I also tested Windows-1250 code page and converted HTML 5 syntax into old
HTML 4.x syntax and LibreOffice now open files correctly.

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