--- Comment #30 from V Stuart Foote <> ---
(In reply to Christian Lohmaier from comment #29)
> @stuart:
> it is about systematically pin down the problem. So just do me the favor and
> copy just the OpenGL disable config entry into the minimal
> registrymodifications file you get with administrative install.

LOL, that just collided with this submission ;-)

(In reply to Christian Lohmaier from comment #21)
> <item oor:path="/org.openoffice.Office.Common/VCL"><prop
> oor:name="UseOpenGL" oor:op="fuse"><value>false</value></prop></item>
> → so it *IS* openGL related after all, all points towards this at least.
> When using administrative install.Just adding just that to the minimal one
> and try again.

As Pedro in comment 27, I added the UseOpenGL false stanza to the minimal
registrymodifications.xcu of a failed 520alpah1 launch.  Doing that, on next
run 520alpha1 comes up with Default graphics rendering. Closing, the user
profile is fully populated--as is the registrymodifications.xcu.

Enabling OpengGL in the GUI, or setting UseOpenGL true in the .xuc, causes
LibreOffice to crash. Although I had one hang exactly as in bug 99551 I tried
to reproduce to catch a stacktrace but couldn't repeat in a half dozen tries.

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