--- Comment #78 from ---
Created attachment 166553
Screenshot; Comparing unzipped odf content.xml between AppImage5 and LO4

More about the Bug - using QXmlEdit to compare the ODF content.xml after saves.

Calc 4.  The screenshot (right hand side in red) shows that the Calc 4 used to
save attachment 109539 writes content.xml using draw:object
<table:table-row><table:table-cell><draw:frame><draw:object> Attributes:
draw:notify-on-update-of-ranges=roX09 . . . . . .

Calc all versions up to 5.4.7 changes the strategy.   The screenshot
(left hand side in green) shows that Calc 5 opens the version 4 file, reads
that Object 17, updates the Chart correctly when data series cell values
change.  Saving the file, Calc 5 deletes the original Attribute (gone), then
adds a completely new element in content.xml one level up at draw:frame
<table:table-row><table:table-cell><draw:frame><loext:p> Attributes:
draw:notify-on-update-of-ranges=roX09 . . . . . .

[Note: Calc 5 then adds another completely new attribute into Object
loext:try-staggering-first="true" ]

Calc 6 and 7.  These versions remove the Calc 5 strategy and go back to the
same xml organisation as for version 4.   This is deliberate or a regression?

Further evidence.
Calc 5 is therefore very useful for repairing a file or User work.  Every time
the file is saved and reopened, it's repaired.  However, Calc 5 still has this
Bug.   Example of the User dilemma when creating a project:  

Step 1.  Open attachment 109539 using Calc 5.  Click to view sheet roX0_9
Step 2.  Click to view sheet invoer
Step 3.  Delete cell contents of invoer H19:L19.  
Result, all charts update on all sheets (including roX0_9)

Step 4.  Leftclick to view sheet vb_610a
Step 5.  Rightclick "Insert Sheet", "After current sheet" "Name" any.  OK
Step 6.  View again invoer and replace H19:L19 (values 5 4 3 3 3)
Result, charts on invoer are showing triangle points with eight x-axis values,
some are three values.  Three Charts are showing both old and new values (both
eight points and three points are superposed).

Step 7.  View again vb_610a.  Result, none of the charts on that sheet update.
Step 8.  On vb_610a click and drag a chart Area a few pixels.  Chart updates.
Step 9.  View sheet vb_610b, charts are correct.
Step 10. View sheet eg, charts are correct, however the top chart frame is
squashed, causing the triangle symbols to be short.
Step 11. Click and drag top chart area and move it a few pixels.  Draw is good.
Step 12. View sheet loX0_9, charts are already updated correctly.
Step 13. View sheet roX0_9, charts are not updated.  Clickdrag chart areas.
Result, charts now update.

Step 14. File>Save then File>Close then File>Open
Result, all charts on all sheets are updated (in correct draw state).
Step 15. Change any value of the Data Series for any chart
Result, all charts on all sheets update correctly.

LibreOffice Calc 4,5,6,7 all seem to have this Bug.
Only Calc 5 will save the User work and reopen it with all Charts working.
However, using Calc 5 to edit or add sheets causes new failures to update and
those frozen Charts can be anywhere on any sheet.

I've tested with seven LibreOffice versions and the adoption of the LO4 save
content.xml structure came back with precisely LO 6.0.0.  Therefore, File>Save
File>Close then File>Open repair is no longer available for users who have
upgraded.  I've seen LO6.3.5.2 refresh a sheet once, but usually the charts on
other sheets are failing to update.

I hope the xml compare information is useful.  Not sure if I can do more about
this.  For my project, I may remove Calc and install 5.4.7.  It's risky
because I see a lot of bugs have been fixed, including problems with Indirect
Addressing (that my work uses as a basis for it's design).  Well, I'll
contribute more if I can figure out how the summary in RAM of the sheet/chart
situation is corrupted.

Just a reminder:  Once and only once, upgrading from Calc to Calc 7 and
opening the "worst" file first;  it repaired all Charts and generated Object
Replacements for all and the file is still working.  Removing Calc 7 and
reinstalling then doing the upgrade process again did not repair any
file.  The second "installation 7.0" skipped some procedures of dependencies in
Ubuntu 18.04, finding them already new, but I don't have a record of precisely
which ones.  It will be difficult to examine that particular ODF file because
it is 102MB compressed already.  Not many xml editors or compare tools can cope
with the unzipped content.

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