--- Comment #10 from Timur <> ---
I remembered wrong, it is wayland, but doesn't inherit dark mode. 
Runnnig "QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN=qt5 soffice" in Ubuntu 22.04
Wayland with dark theme gives error as written (Warning part seems redundant)
but it starts LO with light qt5 (qfont+wayland in About) or kf5 (cairo+wayland
in About).

Runnnig "QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME=qt5ct SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN=qt5 soffice" in Ubuntu
22.04 Wayland with dark theme gives same Warning which makes sense here. It
starts LO with dark qt5 (qfont+xcb in About) or kf5 (cairo+xcb in About).

Runnig "QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE="Adwaita-Dark" SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN=qt5 soffice" in
Wayland light (that is GTK3) starts dark qt5 (xcb in About). So it's OK, I
don't know how I tested before. 
To start LO as dark GTK3 in light OS: GTK_THEME=Adwaita-dark soffice.

I also tested with Mint 21 based on Ubuntu 22.04 and in Cinnamon all is working
fine, qt5/kf5 can be started, inheriting dark mode. 
In their Ubuntu/Xorg meaning Wayland/Gnome, I couldn't set dark mode with a
click, so I didn't test further, but there is qt5cl workaround.

To go back to this issue title, I also don't see libreoffice-qt6 in OpenSuse,
please ask to be added.
IIUC, we need that package to be able to test LO with qt6.

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