--- Comment #18 from ---
(In reply to @Timur from comment #13)
> "Enter the maximum hierarchy level down to which objects are shown in the
> generated index."
Note "maximum hierarchy level down to which objects  are shown" from the help
page (which I believe is unchanged from 2004).

if "objects"[1] is interpreted to mean "outline levels in the heading
numbering", then the key phrase is "down to which" -- because the entered
number is showing the maximum number of levels (from the top of the hierarchy)
that are shown.

In other words -- some circumstantial evidence that the help page  is
consistent with the hypothesis that the label should be:  "Show up to outline

> Or maybe that should be renamed, because it doesn't seem to do the same as 
> Evaluate up to level in Type tab.
I agree.  The "Type" tab evaluate is evaluating index levels.

It would be good if Lee could write instructions for the Wiki, because this
technique will only work if one outline level 1 heading is used in each
The technique would not work in a document that uses more than one outline
level 1 heading in a chapter.

[1] I believe "objects" appear in help because the same text is used for the
different kinds of indices (e.g., Tables, Illustrations). Fortunately there are
separate help pages for these different kinds of indices, so it should be
possible to use a more appropriate word for each kind of index.

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