--- Comment #7 from Bernd Wechner <> ---
The fix is simple. If on an MS-Windows system then:

1) Remove any prefix from a file path that is "\\?\UNC\"
2) Remove any prefix from a file path that is "\\?\"

In that order. That's what I do as a work around by opening it with this
Powershell script rather than with LibreOffice directly


[regex]$pattern1 = [regex]::Escape("\\?\UNC\")
$Path = $pattern1.replace($Path, "\\", 1)

[regex]$pattern2 = [regex]::Escape("\\?\")
$Path = $pattern2.replace($Path, "", 1)

& E:\Util\LibreOffice\LibreOfficeCalcPortable.exe "$Path"

(Note I keep a binary for Calc at

And then I can associate that by using this registration file patch:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

@="Open with Calc"

@="powershell.exe -NonInteractive -WindowStyle Hidden -File
\"E:\\Util\\LibreOffice\\Calc.ps1\" \"%1\""

And no all is good for me, and my shortcut menu.

But the bug remains. To be reliably cross-platform all LibreOffice needs to do
is update its Windows file path handler (I presume it already handles Windows
and *nix paths differently if only because of the \ vs / difference, and the
reality of drive letters. Wherever Windows paths are handled, these prefixes
simply need to be stripped from the path before continuing (they are Windows
way of telling a client the path is long, but not valid parts of a path, and
one might rightly argue that is one silly way to communicate this).

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