--- Comment #53 from Mike Kaganski <> ---
(In reply to William Friedman from comment #0)
> 2. Type a line of spaces. Notice that the cursor goes beyond the end of the
> line.
> ...
> Actual Results:
> Cursor goes past the end of the margin.
> Expected Results:
> Cursor should move to the following line and the spaces should appear.

Not wrapping spaces is completely, absolutely correct behavior of the program;
it is defined in the international standards - most important, UAX #14 Unicode
Line Breaking Algorithm [1], which explains this in length. It defines space
character's (U+0020) behavior in a class SP, which tells:

> ... spaces at the end of a line are ordinarily not measured for fit. If there 
> is
> a sequence of space characters, and breaking after any of the space characters
> would result in the same visible line, then the line breaking position after 
> the
> last space character in the sequence is the locally most optimal one. In other
> words, when the last character measured for fit is before the space character,
> any number of space characters are kept together invisibly on the previous 
> line
> and the first non-space character starts the next line.

This behavior is reinforced there in Example 2, which mentions terminal style
line breaks (in fixed positions) as non-conformant.

Writer implements a standard-compliant, useful, universally adopted in the
industry (word processing software) behavior. There is no sign that any sizable
user group actually wants the change. Out of 11 CCed people here, most are
developers, UX and QA people. I don't see a reason to introduce an option to
behave differently to the *word processing* standard. If people need
not-a-word-processor behavior from Writer, they obviously use a wrong tool.

The discussion got too long. What is the current status of the discussion?


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