Rob Snelders píše v Út 22. 11. 2011 v 20:12 +0100:
> No those days aren't the only way to test. But it is a way to get more 
> people to test the software and to test the software in ways that the 
> developers won't think about.
> I think there are enough people that want to help but don't know how, 
> and testing is a easy way to step in.
> At last I also hear from people around me that LO tests way to little 
> because of all the bugs that have pleaged the 3.4-series. When we shout 
> this around people can see we do test and are doing our best to get 
> bugs out of the software.
> All in all I would say it is needed to organise these events..

I fully agree. I was just a bit scared by Cor's mail. It made me feel
that Janury 21 would be the only day when people should test LO-3.5. I
am happy to hear that it is not true. :-)

Thanks for explanation.

Best Regards,

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