On Sat, Oct 27, 2012 at 10:22:53AM +0200, Rainer Bielefeld wrote:
> Concerning additional additional Bug report Channels: I can live
> with such solutions if it's granted that such reports find their way
> to Bugzilla immediately, what generally means a person is
> responsible for that task.

Yes, that would be in the responsibility of the local team to take care of.

> But checking back to reporter (may be in a foreign language) might cost a lot
> of time, and so I think that a cost/benefit calculation will show that such
> "babysitting" only can be accepted for very few very special classes of bugs.

That depends on whose time it costs. If it costs the time of a wider audience
(and not creates additional load on the current bugwranglers) and thus get a)
more people involved and b) broadens the knowledge on how to make bug reports
good, it shouldnt hurt and might help.

> Concerning BSA improvement: In Bugzilla we already have a small
> collection of ideas. If nobody else starts an initiative: I hope
> that in December I will have some more time than now so that I can
> do some work there, but without a programmer (Rob?) nothing can be
> done.

Sure, that is always the limit in the end ;).


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