It depends on what you need--there are 3 active build branches 5.4 Stable
(5.4.7 upcomming release); 6.0 Fresh (6.0.3 upcomming release) and

Master has the most recent & ongoing development work--new features and
initial patches of bugs will occur normally occur on master builds and then
be backported as appropriate.

The nightly TinderBox builds of Master are going to be the most current, but
not necessarily stable.  Nightly TB builds of Fresh release branch (6.0)
will have current bug fixes applied--but not the latest features and
refactoring.  And the nightly TB builds for Stable (5.4) will only have
critical bug fixes applied and are the most static.

The TDF project will build, sign & calculate Hash value for the final
release packaging for the two release branches, and then makes them
available to the network of ftp/http mirror sites.  Release configured
nightly builds of master are only occasionally built.

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