On 3/21/18 3:54 AM, Ilmari Lauhakangas wrote:
They are daily builds from different branches. 6-0 is showing the current state of whatever the next 6.0.x version will be. Master is showing the next major version, 6.1 in this case. They are called "daily", because the building is supposed to be automated.

The builds can be interrupted for various reasons, including physical damage, like a failed CPU fan or some other component. Then there is the constant maintenance of the build environment. Sometimes tests only break on a certain platform. Anything can, and will, go wrong without warning.

So keeping those boxes running requires a certain amount of time investment, which is sometimes not immediately possible. We have not had a Windows debug build in 5 months (this is a volunteer-run box).

Thanks, that pretty much answers all my questions. What started this line of questioning was that I'd received an email from Bugzilla saying that a bug I'd reported had been fixed, that it should show up in the daily build in the next 24-48 hours, and I should verify it had indeed been fixed. I later realized, because of similar unrelated emails I received later, that that was probably an automatically generated notification and the system actually didn't know when a build (for the version I was interested in) would be made. It looks like such a build has not yet been run, for either 6.0.x or 6.1 Mac version, for about a week. And that's just the way it is, and not something to be concerned about particularly.

Ted Lee
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