On Sat, 2020-01-04 at 16:59 +0200, Ilmari Lauhakangas wrote:
> Terrence Enger kirjoitti 2.1.2020 klo

asking about translation markers in wiki pages.

> We are now using the standard translation system that is also used in 
> Wikipedia. Our own summarised instructions for using it are here: 
> https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/TDF_Wiki/Multilingual#Content_with_global_focus
> The markers are added automatically. They should not be copied manually.
> I quote from the article:
> "When you add or change content in the source page, this will appear at 
> the top of the page: This page has changes since it was last marked for 
> translation. Click the link "marked for translation" to bring the 
> translation system up to date following the same process as in the 
> initial marking for translation."

The page I changed is QA/Bibisect.

After I mark the page for translation, the source for the page has
newly added "<!--T:110-->" above the paragraph I added.

However, the system displays page "Page translation"
<https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Special:PageTranslation>;.  At the
bottom of the page, it tells me:

    Broken pages

    An old version of this page is marked for translation, but the
    latest version cannot be marked for translation.

      1. QA/Bibisect (remove from translation)

Is this because of something I did?  What should I do?

Thank you,

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