Terrence Enger kirjoitti 4.1.2020 klo 20.55:
The page I changed is QA/Bibisect.

After I mark the page for translation, the source for the page has
newly added "<!--T:110-->" above the paragraph I added.

However, the system displays page "Page translation"
<https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Special:PageTranslation>;.  At the
bottom of the page, it tells me:

     Broken pages

     An old version of this page is marked for translation, but the
     latest version cannot be marked for translation.

       1. QA/Bibisect (remove from translation)

Is this because of something I did?  What should I do?

This is some briefly transient thing. If you view the special page now, you will see there are no broken pages. It probably has to do with the fact that marking a page for translation creates a job in the wiki job queue and we have to wait for the queue to clear to actually see the final result.

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