Michael Meeks wrote:
Hi Terrell,

On Fri, 2010-10-15 at 20:07 -0400, Terrell Prude' Jr. wrote:
I'm attempting to get a proper development environment to build LibreOffice. Pulled a clone of the git repository, and it looks like I have everything except for the loroot/rawbuild directory. Problem: looks like the rawbuild directory is needed for building LibreOffice. Here's what I did.
After that, an "ls " shows everything on the development Wiki page except for rawbuild/.

        Odd :-) it is possible that rawbuild is created by 'bin/unpack' which
is run as you do your first 'make' - if so, we should update the wiki
page that describes the directories; can you test & see ?


        Thanks !


OK, I just learned it's a good idea to "Reply-All" when responding to ensure the list sees replies. :-)

Glad to test, but a little tip would help. My other boxes, including the one I'm on now, are all running CentOS 5, and the "yum-builddep openoffice.org" command returns "no openoffice.org.src". Is there a specific repository I need to point to?

My other box, running Debian Lenny, just finished compiling and dev-installing, and LibreOffice comes up just great on it. Cool beans! Thanks to Kohei for the "bin/g pull -r" trick from loroot/ to get rawbuild/ on that guy.


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