Terrell Prude' Jr. wrote:

Caolán McNamara wrote:
On Mon, 2010-11-01 at 01:03 -0400, Terrell Prude' Jr. wrote:
- gperf
- libXaw-devel
- GConf2-devel
- gnome-vfs2-devel

Added these to the wiki.

There is also one I'm not sure how to satisfy within CentOS 5's packaging. This would be Qt4. Here are the messages from make.

Does qt4-devel exist/work. If it doesn't then adding --disable-kde4 to
the autogen.sh line would skip it.


Thanks! Compile is now progressing. Will update when complete. Also had to throw --disable-junit per the Fedora instructions.

Much obliged,


Looks like I'm having a compile error in slideshow.
First, I updated my git repository like this.

 git pull -r && bin/g pull -r
 ./autogen.sh --with-git --with-num-cpus=2 --without-junit --disable-kde4
 make clean

An error got thrown about slideshow, so I tried building just that module like the error message suggested.

I cd'd to /Overfill/libreoffice-build/build/build/libreoffice- (on my box, the build is being done on a filesystem called /Overfill, in the subdirectory libreoffice-build/). Then I did the following.

********** BEGIN HERE ***********

[micro...@multimedia01 libreoffice-]$ source ./LinuxX86Env.Set.sh
[micro...@multimedia01 libreoffice-]$ cd slideshow/
[micro...@multimedia01 slideshow]$ build
build -- version: 275224

Building module slideshow

Entering /Overfill/libreoffice-build/build/build/libreoffice-

Entering /Overfill/libreoffice-build/build/build/libreoffice-

Entering /Overfill/libreoffice-build/build/build/libreoffice-

Entering /Overfill/libreoffice-build/build/build/libreoffice-

Entering /Overfill/libreoffice-build/build/build/libreoffice-

Entering /Overfill/libreoffice-build/build/build/libreoffice-

Entering /Overfill/libreoffice-build/build/build/libreoffice-

Entering /Overfill/libreoffice-build/build/build/libreoffice-

Compiling: slideshow/source/engine/OGLTrans/OGLTrans_TransitionerImpl.cxx
/Overfill/libreoffice-build/build/build/libreoffice- In member function 'void<unnamed>::OGLTransitionerImpl::createTexture(unsigned int*, unx::GLXPixmap, bool, bool, com::sun::star::uno::Sequence<signed char>&, const<unnamed>::<unnamed>::OGLFormat*)': /Overfill/libreoffice-build/build/build/libreoffice- error: 'PFNGLXBINDTEXIMAGEEXTPROC' is not a member of 'unx' /Overfill/libreoffice-build/build/build/libreoffice- error: expected `;' before 'myglXBindTexImageEXT' /Overfill/libreoffice-build/build/build/libreoffice- error: 'myglXBindTexImageEXT' was not declared in this scope /Overfill/libreoffice-build/build/build/libreoffice- In member function 'void<unnamed>::OGLTransitionerImpl::disposeTextures()': /Overfill/libreoffice-build/build/build/libreoffice- error: 'PFNGLXRELEASETEXIMAGEEXTPROC' is not a member of 'unx' /Overfill/libreoffice-build/build/build/libreoffice- error: expected `;' before 'myglXReleaseTexImageEXT' /Overfill/libreoffice-build/build/build/libreoffice- error: 'myglXReleaseTexImageEXT' was not declared in this scope /Overfill/libreoffice-build/build/build/libreoffice- error: 'myglXReleaseTexImageEXT' was not declared in this scope dmake: Error code 1, while making '../../../unxlngi6.pro/slo/OGLTrans_TransitionerImpl.obj'

       Oh dear - something failed during the build - sorry !
 For more help with debugging build errors, please see the section in:

it seems that the error is inside 'slideshow', please re-run build
inside this module to isolate the error and/or test your fix:

cd /Overfill/libreoffice-build/build/build/libreoffice-
source ./LinuxX86Env.Set.sh
cd slideshow

when the problem is isolated and fixed exit and re-run 'make' from the top-level
sometimes (sadly) it is necessary to rm -Rf unxlngi6.pro in a module.
[micro...@multimedia01 slideshow]$  pwd
[micro...@multimedia01 slideshow]$
********** END HERE ***********

Any suggestions?

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