2011/4/26 Christian Lohmaier <lohmaier+libreoff...@googlemail.com>:
> On Tue, Apr 26, 2011 at 7:05 PM, NoOp <gl...@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
>> On 04/26/2011 07:07 AM, Michael Meeks wrote:
>>> On Fri, 2011-04-22 at 20:13 -0700, NoOp wrote:
>>>> Just wanted to point out that both LO 3.4B1 & LO3.4B2 .deb installs
>>>> failed on my systems (miserably & yes, I'll go bug adding this weekend
>>> [...]
>>>       So - please do try to fix the bug yourself, patches are most welcome.
>>> If you come with some solid research, and some concrete suggestions / a
>>> prototype patch you'll find some helpful feedback.
> There probably aren't any patches necessary, just try whether the
> openofficedev target works (I suspect it does, but cannot test now
> myself, as master is not buildable right now)
$ cd instsetoo_native/util
$ dmake openofficedev

Currently it does not work out of the box but it can be fixed. I
tested libreoffice-3-4 branch. On Linux it complains about SO_PACK
environment variable which is not set. But some packages are built
anyway. Install prefix is /opt/lo-dev/.

On Windows it wants to package jre which is not there. So:
$ touch ../../solver/300/wntmsci12.pro/bin/jre-6u22-windows-i586.exe
$ dmake openofficedev
And it packages LibO-dev! It can be installed parallel to LibreOffice.
Note: I tried en-US only. It would have taken ages to build all
languages on my current Windows box. After some fixing and testing on
master this target can be used in next beta cycle.

Best regards,
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