Kohei Yoshida wrote (28-04-11 16:53)
On Thu, 2011-04-28 at 00:21 +0200, Cor Nouws wrote:

Do we already have a simple text on the website/wiki, that explains the
use of the developer list, and what expectations are?
That might be linked to by devs when needed, thus preventing them to get
bored or 'funny' or wasting time on this. It might be linked in the
footer of this list?
If there isn't any (I can't find it) I'll be glad to write a proposal.

I think we should do this.  At least, I would like to prevent normal
usage issues and bug reports from creeping up on this list.  There are
clearly better facilities for those things.

But we do need to state somewhere in bold and italic that what posts are
appropriate and what aren't, for the developer list.  Otherwise the
number of such posts will only increase.

I placed a first draft here:

Looking forward to comments, ideas, ..


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