Hi Pierre,

On Fri, 2011-05-06 at 18:15 +0200, Pierre-André Jacquod wrote:
>  >>         + be warned - it will die in a new major release soon.
> Will be this 3.5 ? Or do you want to wait for the next version ?

        Probably post 3.5 :-) and of course, Caolan is on FTO and would want
some input into this too (as one of the last corporate supporters of
that I guess).

>  If post 3.5, then I will continue the cleaning. If no, I may change
> my work and try to perform cleaning (ergh, deletion) as proposed here
> below.

        My thought was at the magic "4.0" release (still on the drawing board),
it might be a good idea to do this (along with a lot of other key

        Anyhow - we're appreciating all your good work cleaning that beastie
up :-)

        Thanks !


 michael.me...@novell.com  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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