Cor Nouws wrote (24-06-11 09:21)

I know no evidence that Windows (users) is (are) not taken seriously.
I think it will help if people try more serious to improve on where we
are, also with QA/testing, rather then complain.

Hmm, while slicing an excellent mango (hmm ;-) , my thoughts drifted to this subject again (for the last time today!). I have the feeling of fighting some acid rain, when replying to your mail Pedro. And indeed, I can imagine that this has been caused by the words used by some developers, in a much older thread. Some are so much convinced of what they think, and also bring that across in such a way, that it easily gives the impression that other opinions are moot or so. Which is a sad situation :-(
That might be an explanation for the feeling that I get with your mail.
But the again, probably I must have had written, expressed this before. So after acknowledging, my advise would still be the same: understand and improve ;-)

Have a nice day :-)

 - Cor

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