
I recently discovered the existance of the Lightproof grammar checker, and I 
would like to experiment wth it for the Galician language, mainly to 
complement our Hunspell spellchecker, which allows words that are actually 
only correct when used together. I know about LanguageTool, but I like the 
LightProof approach better (easier syntax, Python), and in any case I would 
aim to write rules in some software-agnostic format that I can convert to both 
the Lightproof and the LanguageTool formats.

So, first stone in my path:

$ git clone git://anongit.freedesktop.org/libreoffice/lightproof
$ cd lightproof
$ python3 make.py src/hu_HU/hu_HU.cfg
$ libreoffice lightproof_hu-1.5.oxt
Click "OK"

And I get:

        (com.sun.star.lang.DisposedException) { { { Message = "Binary URP 
        disposed during call", Context = (com.sun.star.uno.XInterface)          
        @7f7570034d40 } } }

I’ve searched for "Binary URP bridge disposed during call" and found some 
posts online¹, but so far I have had no luck solving the issue.

Anyone else has run into this and solved the issue, or knows how to solve it? 
Do I need to build Libreoffice with some special flag? (I had read about “--
enable-lightproof” somewhere, but that flag does not exist)

¹ e.g. I am currently looking at https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/27257
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