Ashod Nakashian-2 wrote
> So, unless Gerrit has decided not to, or is unable to, migrate to OpenID
> Connect by the deadline, migrating to OpenID Connect should be seamless
> and
> uneventful.
> Do we know whether or not Gerrit will have migrated by the deadline?
> (Granted, warning people to avoid a lockout is wise.)

Looks like David Ostrovsky has been right in the thick of this working on 
Gerrit to do just that--providing generic handling of OAuth providers,  e.g.
GitHub, and presumably Google's "OpenID  2" OAuth 2 replacement "OpenID

See addressing Gerrit
issues and

Looks like those bits have missed the last couple of release cycles--but
even if it makes it in for Gerrit 2.11, LO would still need to upgrade from
current build.

A read of the two Gerrit issues suggest that dumping the Google OpenID
services was found in best interest of the project-- accomplished with  "OpenID: Remove support
for Google Accounts", so I believe that is the 2.9.3 release.

Of course that  means that LO can't upgrade its Gerrit right now because it
would inconvenience, if not lock out, some percentage of the accounts still
tied to Google's OpenID--getting them migrated to alternate OpenID providers
needs to happen in no uncertain terms so that when Google shuts down its
OpenID 2 service folks are not locked out of LO Gerrit.

Unfortunately, as with my experience with the StackExchange OpenID, I really
don't think the cut over will be "seamless or uneventful" for LO project.

@David Os., Norbert--did I get that right? Any additional comments?

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