Hi Armin,

I need an advice/opinion _where_ to hold the information:

I cannot calculate whether to exchange 'miter' with 'bevel' directly in svgreader, because there only properties for the whole path are handled, but such exchange only happens for a single line pair of the path. So I think, the exchange needs to be in createAreaGeometry part //check and create linejoin. Is that right?

createAreaGeometry gets all needed information already in distinct parameters. The division in single parameters is done inside PolygonStrokePrimitive2D::create2DDecomposition part // create fat line data. There I need access to 'miterlimit'. How should I hold this information? Should I extend LineAttribute, or somethink else?

Kind regards

Armin Le Grand schrieb:
Hi Regina,

AFAIK it is partially used, but not completely. I know of some cases in
renderers where today a fixed default of 15.0 is used. Various
GraphicSystems use various definitions for it, take care. It would be
necessary to define a definition for it for LO, import where available
and use where available. Some sub-systems can use it, e.g. Gdiplus or
cairo, export to SVG, but no tMetafile (at least not ours). There is
definitely no UI for it.


Am 24.03.2016 um 01:39 schrieb Regina Henschel:
Hi all,

the following is, what I have found so far, but it might have errors.
So please correct me.

If two lines build a corner, the corner-style can be None, Rounded,
Beveled or Mitered. That is the property "draw:stroke-linejoin" in ODF
and "stroke-linejoin" in SVG. But SVG has the additional property
"stroke-miterlimit". Using it, the author can determine how sharp the
corner can be before it is turned into kind Beveled. I see no such
property in ODF. LibreOffice turns automatically to kind Bevel using
the default value of svg:stroke-miterlimit.

The API has the struct "StrokeAttributes" in css::rendering. It has
the element "MiterLimit". I do not know any UI for it and don't know,
if and how it is usable at all. The service "LineProperties" in
css::drawing does not provide such property.

In OOXML it is the attribute "lim" in element a:miter (

This svg-attribute is read on SVG import. And it could be evaluated by
the method basegfx::tools::createAreaGeometry(), if it got a value
into the already prepared parameter. But between these two ends there
is currently no way to transport the information. The line properties
Width, Color, LineCap and LineJoin are transported via class

So my question is, how to transport the "Miterlimit"-information?
Add a member to class LineAttribute?
Add a member to PolygonStrokePrimitive2D and an additional new
parameter into the chain of calls and constructions?
Only fix svg-import or care for other things too? What would I have to

Kind regards

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