On 11/11/11 16:50, Noel Power wrote:
On 11/11/11 16:30, August Sodora wrote:
I'd love to but I'm not exactly sure how. Currently I have it as a local branch.

haha, yes, well not being much of a git guru myself I can't recall offhand what the command are for that, let me try and find out what they are and get back to you. Anyway, no problem with it being a local branch for the moment


see below for some steps that kendy sent to the list at some stage, note the instructions are based on the old multi-repo setup so I guess one just needs to substitute 'git' for 'g' in the instructions below

So the example workflow might look like the following:

# create the branch locally
g checkout -b mybranch
# develop something
g commit -a
g commit

# find out that it might be useful as a feature branch
g -f push origin mybranch:feature/some-comprehensible-name
# continue development and pushing
g commit -a
g push
# hmm, a conflict, somebody pushed to our
# feature/some-comprehensible-name branch, we want to get newest stuff
# from there.  In this case, we want the 'rebasing' pull.
g pull -r
g push

# at some stage you might find out that you actually want to merge newer
# stuff from some other branch, eg. master
g merge master

# finally you want to get it all back to master
g checkout master
g merge mybranch
g push
# if it failed, we need to get the newest stuff from the remote repo
g pull --no-rebase
g push

# everything finished, kill the remote branch
g -f push origin :feature/some-comphrehensible-name
thanks again


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