Michael Meeks wrote:
>       + cleanup old test build server directories (Thorsten)
This is done - there were beta0 builds from the Linux/Windows
Release config still around, but since beta0 was not so nice anyway
... ;)

>       + 3.4.5 - tag delayed by two days
>               + builds already on pre-release ftp site,
>                 synching to mirrors for announce soon,
>                 delay not that large in the end.
Might take a day longer, system is still syncing 3.5

>       + bugzilla submission assistant - lots of work currently
>               + pending integration of link in the help menu for 3.5
> AA:           + get a permanant re-direction link for bug assistent (Thorsten)
> AA:           + hack up the Help->File bug menu item
https://www.libreoffice.org/get-help/bug/ is not what we want?


-- Thorsten

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