On Fri, 2012-03-02 at 09:29 +0100, Stephan Bergmann wrote:
> Micheal, I think I still don't understand what you are up to here.  What 
> does logging have to do with XUnoTunnel ?

        Correct me if I'm wrong, but as soon as we start doing bridging - which
is necessary for logging - then instead of passing C++ object handles
around which will dynamic_cast<> properly, we end up with some bridge
object in the middle instead, and all instances of dynamic_cast break -
is that right ? :-)

>   (And we want as little as possible of the XUnoTunnel hack, anyway,
> so no idea what your "dynamic_cast<> alike" idea is?)

        Well - so - my wonder was whether we could create something much
lighter, that does XTunnel's job - built into the UNO core code itself,
and bypassing such bridges (with some suitable simple, pleasant and
readable syntax as dynamic_cast<>).

> Make it into a "random UNO improvements" project?  Hm, not sure.

        ;-) well - as you like. IMHO it makes sense writing these things up in
some detail for people new to the project.

        All the best,


michael.me...@suse.com  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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