* Present:
        + Eike, Will, Michael, Norbert, Lionel, Kendy, Andras,
          Markus, Rainer, Cedric, Mitch, Caolan, Petr, Bjoern

* Completed action items
        + Add GSOC tasks to the wiki:
                + [ongoing, ETA today] multi-user / telepathy / co-editing 
                + better template translation (Andras)
        + doodle poll for new ESC meeting (Eike)
                + please fill out poll: http://moreganize.com/bgxbvmFxmDl (all)
        + respond in the gerrit bug fdo#44498 with some rational (Bjoern)
                + Norbert sorting it out with Tollef, agreed in principle

* Pending Action Items
        + [ever-pending] extract 64bit build hardware from firewall (Kendy / 
        + rename VCL API to make it GetBeamerFoo & fix (Michael)
        + [ongoing?] post results of exception analysis shortly (Michael)
        + [ongoing?] cost and usefulness of exceptions proposal (Michael)

* Action Items review

* Release Engineering update (Petr)
        + 3.5.1 retrospective / review
                + delayed by one week by misc. issues / build troubles
                + important fixes added too late post rc1, requiring an rc3
                + these things happen - no change to overall scheduling
        + 3.5.2 status ...
                + rc1 is tagged / branched as libreoffice-3-5-2
                        + lots of bug fixes here.
                + tripple review required for -3-5-2
        + 3.4.6 status
                + released today, fixes security bug and a
                  number of other bits.

* GSOC update (Cedric)
        + all (22) mentors named on the ideas page are registered
        + students coming slowly, more encouragement / press required
        + a number of private contacts to people
        + can we improve communciations
AA:     + Official TDF blog item announcing GSOC required (Fridrich)
        + students have until near April 5th to apply ~two weeks.

* new Windows tinderbox (Norbert)
        + expensive new hardware, from-clean compile in around an hour
        + should be coming on line today
        + previous fastest time was ~4 hours
        + plans to work on ccache with windows (Norbert)
        + Mac - similar duration, but with a warm ccache ~15mins, so
          perhaps we can do better.

* Hamburg HackFest update (Bjoern)
        + not so well publicised as all that
AA:     + Hamburg Hack-fest in topic of IRC channel (Bjoern)
AA:     + Hamburg Hack-fest mail the developers list (Bjoern)
AA:     + blog some artwork for 'going to the LibreOffice hack-fest' (All)
AA:     + TDF blog entry publicising the Hamburg hack-fest (Fridrich)
        + located at Chaos Computer Club's site
                + the birth-place of Chaos
                + an awesome place to get together
                + see you there !
        + mail: hackf...@libreoffice.org with travel funding requests.

* QA update (Rainer)
        + mostly business as usual
                + too few volunteers reviewing the incoming reports
                + users using the bugzilla assistant are often quite
                  bad and need more review.
        + QA team call tomorrow
                + proposals to encourage good bug filers etc.
        + Bugzilla assistant
                + needs better introductory text, and fewer
                  version etc. fields
                + more hackery much appreciated.
        + annotate RTF bugs with 'rtf_filter' to break-down regressions
                + ~20 of the writer regressions are RTF
        + community bits (Bjoern)

* New ESC time (Eike)
        + 14:00 UTC until futher daylight adjustments ie.
          same localtime as before.

* Security list update (Michael)
        + mozilla's bugzilla has security feature to hide bugs
        + just because Apache are being awkward doesn't mean
          we have to be too (Norbert)
        + leave it as it is now, and await real incidents (Petr)
        + officesecurity more attractive since it's easier (Bjoern)
        => no action for now

* Collaboration hack-fest update (Eike)
        + great strides made, got connections & data forwarding
        + many thanks to Collabora's Will Thompson, hacking on
          things left & right.
        + splitting calc controller apart, looking forward to
          Matus' input.

* Regressions
        + Cedric doing some digging - one 'regression' for an
          OpenOffice 2.0 feature, vs. 1.1 etc. not funny
                + doing a review, unclear what's going on

* closing fixed bugs
        + about 1/2 of the calc regressions are already fixed in 3.5
                + 3.4.x will get no more updates
                        + no need to explain more, close them.
                + some already re-opened because not fixed in 3.4.x
AA:             + review and re-close these / discuss in QA call (Rainer)

* Hamburg Hack-fest
        + will rock - couches available to 'surf' (sleep) on, and some cool
          attendees already; please register if you're coming at:

* 3.5 most annoying bugs ...
        + 58 (of 168): older 57/157 58/153 52/145 49/140 44/132 41/124 32/104 
28/93 21/76 23/71
             35%              36%    37%    36%    35%    33%    33%    30%    
30%   28%   32%

* 3.5 bugs tagged with 'regression'
        + 131(+20) bugs open of 410(+26) total

        * Component    count net *
        + Writer       - 63 (+16)
        + LibreOffice  - 12 (+1)
        + Presentation - 11 (+1)
        + Spreadsheet  - 10 (+0)
        + Drawing      - 10 (+1)
        + Database     - 7  (+1)
        + Basic        - 2  (+1)


michael.me...@suse.com  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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